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What is IMC?

The center is one of the most important bodies of the Ministry of Trade and Industry and was established by a presidential decree in December 2000 to give impetus to a modern, vibrant, competitive and sustainable Egyptian industry. This aims to support industrial enterprises and create a favorable business environment for the industrial sector.

What is the time required to contract the service?

It varies according to the course and nature of the contract and the type of service, and the contract is made within a month at most, according to the type of service.

Is there financial support for machines or exhibitions?

The center does not provide any financial support at the moment.

How do I benefit from training programs? Can I obtain specialized certificates through the center, such as an MBA?

An assessment of the training needs of the facility is carried out by the training unit at the center, and the training plan for the facility is prepared. The center does not provide the service of obtaining academic certificates at the present time.

How can I contact the center?
Can I choose the service provider?

According to the method of contracting with service providers, the service provider is selected:

  • In the case of contracting with the frames of reference system: Service providers are extracted according to an automated list that the client or the center does not enter into, and after extracting that list, it is sent to the client to choose from.
  • In the case of contracting under the limited tender system: Offers are subject to technical and financial evaluation, with the client being a primary party to the evaluation committee.
  • In the case of a public tender: The customer can encourage certain service providers to participate in the tender, where a technical and financial evaluation of the received offers is also carried out. The customer is an essential party in the evaluation committee.
For Technical Service Providers - How do I login to my IMC account

To access your account on the IMC system, please use the following address:


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