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التعاون المشترك

ffffffالتعاون المشترك (9)

The European Enterprise Network (EEN) is one of the Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises (EASME) projects, and it is the largest assistance network for small and medium enterprises in the world. The network includes more than 60 countries, and brings together under its umbrella more than 3,000 experts from among more than 600 institutions registered as members of the European Enterprise Network. The network aims to support and develop projects and entrepreneurs worldwide.

Egypt-PV is a project jointly implemented by IMC in cooperation with the UNDP, and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), laureate of the British Energy Institute Award as the best global project in the field of greenhouse gas due to global warming 2020. The project was selected from among more than 120 projects representing 29 countries.

An Egyptian-Italian project funded by the EU. The Open-factory project is being implemented by a number of Egyptian agencies working under the umbrella of the Faculty of Computer and Artificial Intelligence Cairo University, in collaboration with the IMC, the National Research Center, Textile Division, Chamber of Leather industries, Chamber of Textile industries, along with the Progetto Sud Foundation, Link Campus University and the Serkam Company for consultations.

The GTEX/MENATEX project is being implemented by both the International Trade Center (ITC) in Geneva, and the Egyptian Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI). The project helps provide technical assistance to support the Textile and Garments sector. The outcome is one of enhancing and improving the sector’s value chain, varying its products, strengthening its existence in the markets, and accessing new markets through improved services provided by support organizations. Among the project partners are the Export Council for Textiles, Garments, and Home textiles, as well as other Egyptian institutions supporting the sector.

The “Thermal Energy Efficiency Improvement Project at the Industrial Sector” aims to overcome some of the key impediments that prevent thermal energy efficiency improvement in industry. Additionally, the project targets the achievement of measurable results, as well as leaving an impact on means and methods of thermal energy management in industrial sectors in Egypt.

Within the framework of cooperation between The Industrial Modernisation Centre IMC, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and GIZ – to implement a program aiming to activate the economic cooperation channels and deepen the commercial and developmental fields between Federal Republic of Germany and 21 countries of Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America, Sub-Saharan African Countries and North Africa including the Arab Republic of Egypt. The program facilitates B2B meetings with commercial and/or industrial German enterprises to expand the frameworks of the economic relations with Egyptian enterprises and holds training program which aims to explain the latest methods of management to Chairmen and Mangers of the Egyptian enterprises in addition to the related culture of commercial dealings especially with German enterprises via German institutions and training organizations.    

Within the framework of the Egypt-UK cultural agreement, IMC and the British Council in Egypt signed a Letter of Intent with a view to enhancing creative economy and encouraging businesses with impact on the community. Both the Egyptian Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), represented by IMC, and the British Council agreed to directly cooperate in the fields of training, education and experience exchange programs of mutual interest. Cooperation has resulted in two courses, one in November 2019 and the other is in November 2020.

The UELDP is funded by the World Bank Loan for Qena and Sohag Governorates development program at $500 million, with the participation of a number of competent ministries. The Program aims to improving business environment for the development of the private sector as well as supporting local government capacity in terms of securing good quality infrastructure, and improving service level at both Governorates.

في إطار التعاون بين كل من مركز تحديث الصناعة وكل من الوزارة الألمانية الفيدرالية للشئون الاقتصادية والطاقة ووكالة التنمية الألمانية GIZ – وذلك بتطبيق و تنفيذ برنامج يهدف إلي تفعيل قنوات التعاون الاقتصادي وتعميق مجالات التعاون التجاري والتنموي بين دولة ألمانيا الاتحادية وعدد 21 دولة من شرق أوروبا و آسيا و أمريكا اللاتينية ودول جنوب الصحراء الإفريقية و شمال إفريقيا و من بينهم جمهورية مصر العربية وذلك عن طريق تيسير إجراء مقابلات ثنائية مع منشآت صناعية أو/و تجارية ألمانية لتمديد آطر العلاقات الاقتصادية مع المنشآت المصرية مروراً بعقد برنامج تدريبي يستهدف تعريف رؤساء ومديري المنشآت الصناعية المصرية على أحدث سبل إدارة الأعمال وما يرتبط بها من ثقافة التعاملات التجارية وبخاصة مع المنشأت الألمانية وذلك عن طريق معاهد ومؤسسات تدريب ألمانية.